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  Surviving and thriving life’s transitions together

Why Hire a Family Coach


Families are the cornerstones of our lives and yet they don't come with an instructional manual that tells us how to deal with many of the stressors we experience. From conflicts over parenting our children, or conflicts with our partner, to figuring out how to redefine ourselves once our children are grown, to having to now parent our aging parents, these issues can cause much pain and confusion.

With a Ph.D. in Family psychology, I understand the unique dynamics of the family system and am committed to working with you or your family to help you better resolve those issues and create the life you want, for members of your family as well as for yourself.

Coaching can help you transcend the self-imposed limits that often hold us back – the shoulds that drain our energy, or the "gremlin" voice in our head which makes us doubt that we can move forward, are good enough, etc.  encouraging you to bring out the highest and best in yourself and your family.

If you're interested in determining whether coaching might help your family to deal with the transitions that all families go through and help you focus on the joys of being part of a family, consider signing up for a complimentary coaching session.

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